Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5 miles

A beautiful morning for running! Had a blast.

Stan - what's foot conditioning?

1 comment:

  1. Should've been more precise
    3 minute rounds, 30 seconds rest of the following:
    Round 1: calf raises wearing 2 20lb. ankle weights, holding 2 20 lb. weights in hand. Continuous calf raises, no pauses.
    Round 2: Same as Round 1.
    Round 3: Wrap 120 lb. rated rubber band around foot and pull the other end back to the torso. Repeatedly turn foot in as if kicking a soccer ball.
    Round 4: Round 3, but on the left side.
    Round 5: Calf raises, but bodyweight.

    This is what I'm doing to supplement my running in VFF's.
