Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The more you sweat in practice...

2 milestones tonight.
1- I nearly passed out in class. I haven't done that in a workout in YEARS.
2- I upgraded the weight to 88 lbs. (40kg) That makes me the big dawg in class. None of the instructors go this high. My goal for the end of my membership here, on March 8th is to use the BEAST bell, the > 100 lb. bell which is so shiny and new because no one touches it.

So... Kettlebell class.
Then 10 sets of 3 pull-ups.
Then 4 sets of 7 lat pull-downs at half bodyweight.


(Also what gym do you go to Hannah? That class a few posts down looks fun.)

1 comment:

  1. The 92nd street Y. You can get a day pass!
