Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PM Lifting

Seated Row 10/80-80-85
Overhead Press 10/50-50-55
Calf Extension 10/110-110-130-150
Skullcrushers 10/30-30-30
Lat Pulldown 10/70-70
Crunches 20x5sets
Plank 40sec x3sets
Fly delt 10/75-80-85
Bench Machine 10/55-55-70

So, I saw this work-out online and was wondering if it would be better for me to generate strength and do something more consistent than some random 9 or 12 exercises when I want to work either upper body, abs or legs. This looks like it would be just suck enough to really make me work at it, and good enough to keep me going. Though, I doubt I'll be able to do 30 pull-ups by the end of 2010. Thoughts?


  1. Seems to me like it'd be hard to increase the difficulty of that workout, except by adding more reps, which will not increase strength so much as endurance. But it's always good to mix things up, so throw it into the rotation once a week or something.

    (I'd AGAIN beat a dead horse and tell you to check out the New Rules of Lifting... but you'll again ignore me, so it's all good)

  2. It's not at the library, and I'm not making any non-essential purchases until I have an offer. Keep beating the dead horse.
